
Dealmakers Show: The Extraordinary Journey of Mikhail Kokorich

Dealmakers Show: The Extraordinary Journey of Mikhail Kokorich

Mikhail Kokorich established remarkable companies across various industries, from retail to space exploration and now, hydrogen-fueled transportation. Against all odds, he has consistently identified opportunities and transformed them into groundbreaking ventures. In a recent interview on the Dealmakers Show, Kokorich shared his insights on raising capital, the future of fuel, the advantages of operating in smaller countries, the ideal age for entrepreneurship, and his pursuit of creating innovative transportation solutions.

Explosive Growth & Recognizing Opportunities:

Born in a small Siberian village near the Mongolian border, where Ghengis Khan initiated his conquest, Mikhail Kokorich experienced extreme weather conditions and embarked on his educational journey fascinated by physics and astronomy. In the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, Kokorich found an opportunity to become an entrepreneur to sustain himself. It all began when he assisted a local mining company with safely detonating a substantial amount of TNT at the age of 19. With no prior experience, Kokorich developed a computer program to calculate the necessary detonation delays, successfully completing the task and receiving $30,000 in cash, which became his startup capital.

Acquiring Startup Capital at 19

With the funds he earned, Kokorich launched his first company, offering provisioning services for mining, construction, and explosives. Within five years, he sold the company, inspired by the achievements of Sam Walton and Walmart. In a high-interest climate with rates around 25%, Kokorich navigated the Russian retail market without taking any equity investments. His relentless efforts led to the growth of his business from a single store to hundreds of stores, generating over a billion dollars in revenue and employing a team of 10,000 individuals. Although he achieved financial success, Kokorich was primarily driven by the desire to build something groundbreaking.

Space Transportation & the Appeal of Smaller Countries

With newfound freedom, Kokorich pursued his childhood passion for space exploration and founded a private space company in 2010. Recognizing the challenges inherent in the industry, Kokorich acknowledged the need for both technological breakthroughs and a solid business strategy. While many private space companies struggled to succeed, Kokorich found support and appreciation in smaller countries such as France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany and Spain. These nations provided an environment where his work gained recognition, attracting government backing and grants.

Going Higher & Faster: The Future of Transportation

Analyzing opportunities and leveraging his experiences, Kokorich returned his focus to transportation. While trains had seen significant speed improvements over the years, aviation lagged behind. Kokorich recognized the potential for faster flights by going higher and utilizing hydrogen as a fuel source. Assembling a team of 140 professionals and securing over $50 million in funding, Kokorich’s current venture is poised to unveil the world’s first supersonic aircraft powered by hydrogen in June 2023 at the Paris airshow.

To top it off

Mikhail Kokorich’s entrepreneurial journey is one of resilience, foresight, and audacity. From humble beginnings in Siberia to pioneering advancements in various industries, he has consistently defied odds and pursued ambitious visions. Kokorich’s relentless pursuit of innovation in transportation, especially in space exploration and the development of hydrogen-powered aircraft, showcases his commitment to creating a better future.

Listen to the podcast here.